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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

GRAS Notices

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The inventory of GRAS notices provides information about GRAS notices filed since 1998, when FDA received its first GRAS notice. As of October 17, 2016, the GRAS final rule (81 FR 54960; August 17, 2016) requires a specific format for a GRAS notice. Prior to that date, FDA processed GRAS notices under the framework of the GRAS proposed rule (62 FR 18938; April 17, 1997). Notices received prior to the effective date of the GRAS final rule provide examples for potential notifiers for the types of information that may support a GRAS conclusion. In the inventory, notices follow the requirements for the format and content of a GRAS notice as of the effective date of the GRAS final rule.

The inventory notes what type of response letter the FDA sent in response to the notice. Notifiers often resubmit notices that FDA previously ceased to evaluate at the notifier’s request, and resubmitted notices commonly receive a letter indicating FDA has no questions, after addressing deficiencies. In the inventory, entries for notices that were later resubmitted link to the newer entry in the final column. Newer entries for notices that were resubmitted include a link to the previous submission below the substance name.

Some GRNs that FDA previously ceased to evaluate at the notifier’s request were later resubmitted as a food additive petition. For each of these cases, the GRN detail page links to the food additive petition.

After issuing a response letter, we may issue a subsequent letter as circumstances warrant. The issue dates of any subsequent letters are listed under the column, "Date of add’l correspondence.”

We will update this information approximately monthly. More information about this inventory is available on the GRAS Notice Inventory Introduction page.

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  • Select the specific GRN number below to view additional details about any GRAS Notice.
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  • To browse the records, use the Show All, First/Previous/Next/Last, and Jump To options at the bottom of the data table.
  • To search for a specific substance/term, enter the term in the Search box and select Show Items to display only those records that contain the selected term. (The search results also includes terms not shown on this page, but included in the full record on the detail page.)
  • The search results will return hits of records containing words that include the search term. For example, a search for the color red will return results that include terms such as reduce, ingredient, and cultured. To limit results to only the searched term, place a space before and after the word in the basic search or in the advanced search “this exact phrase” field.
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Records Found: 19 Page 1 of 1
(sorted Z-A)
Substance Date of closure FDA's Letter Date of add'l correspondence Resubmitted as GRN No.
Bacillus subtilis NRRL 68053 Jan 19, 2024 FDA has no questions (in PDF) (222 kB)
Maple wood fiber May 13, 2021 At the notifier's request, FDA ceased to evaluate this notice (in PDF) (169 kB)
2'-fucosyllactose Feb 18, 2021 FDA has no questions (in PDF) (223 kB)
Serine endopeptidase from Malbranchea cinnamomea produced in Trichoderma reesei Aug 26, 2019 FDA has no questions (in PDF) (68 kB)
Rebaudioside D Jul 10, 2018 FDA has no questions (in PDF) (111 kB)
Glucoamylase from Penicillum oxalicum produced in Aspergillus niger Nov 23, 2016 FDA has no questions
Bacillus subtilis Apr 2, 2015 At the notifier's request, FDA ceased to evaluate this notice
Bacillus pumilus Apr 2, 2015 At the notifier's request, FDA ceased to evaluate this notice
Bacillus licheniformis Apr 2, 2015 At the notifier's request, FDA ceased to evaluate this notice
Bacillus coagulans Apr 2, 2015 At the notifier's request, FDA ceased to evaluate this notice
Hydrogen gas Nov 28, 2014 FDA has no questions
Piperine derived from the fruits of Piper nigrum L (black pepper) or P. longum (long pepper) Sep 19, 2013 At the notifier's request, FDA ceased to evaluate this notice
Curcuminoids purified from turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Aug 23, 2013 FDA has no questions; some uses may require a color additive listing
Algal oil derived from Chlorella protothecoides strain S106 (Cp algal oil) Jun 13, 2012 FDA has no questions
Pine tree phytosterol esters Oct 27, 2010 FDA has no questions
Conjugated linoleic acid isomers
   (Resubmission of GRN 153)
Jul 11, 2008 FDA has no questions Sep 8, 2009
Vegetable oil conjugated linoleic acid preparation Aug 31, 2004 At the notifier's request, FDA ceased to evaluate this notice
High 2-palmitic vegetable oil Dec 4, 2003 FDA has no questions May 7, 2004
Exopeptidase derived from Aspergillus oryzae carrying a gene encoding a leucine aminopeptidase from Aspergillus sojae Jan 29, 1999 Notice does not provide a basis for a GRAS determination

(sorted Z-A)
Substance Date of closure FDA's Letter Date of add'l correspondence Resubmitted as GRN No.