Reference Standard Sequence Library (RSSL) for Seafood Identification
The Reference Standard Sequence Library (RSSL) for Seafood Identification is a searchable database containing DNA reference “barcode” sequences (FASTA format), and other data, for seafood species currently marketed in the United States, with additional closely related species included, as available, for increased resolution. All specimens included in the RSSL are authenticated, meaning a taxonomic identification of a reference specimen was made by a trained specialist using appropriate identification manuals and/or primary literature (original species descriptions). Most samples are also vouchered, meaning they are preserved and stored in biological repositories. The purpose of the RSSL is to provide sufficient taxonomic resolution to make accurate identifications of seafood products marketed in the United States using the FDA validated method for DNA barcoding.
Clicking on a scientific name will open a detail page for each species that includes the DNA reference sequence(s) for that specimen(s), and additional metadata, including photographs for the specimen used to generate the reference sequence, and museum voucher information, where available. A key to voucher locations is included below.
FDA Acceptable Market Names and Common Names contained in this database are derived from The Seafood List which identifies seafood species currently marketed in the United States. For additional related species not currently marketed in the United States (i.e., FDA Acceptable Market Names not available), only common names are provided, for reference, from external authoritative sources such as: ITIS: Integrated Taxonomic Information System, Fishbase, American Fisheries Society, and FAO, among others. For the most up to date information regarding the Acceptable Market Name(s) or Common Name(s) for seafood sold in interstate commerce in the United States, please consult The Seafood List.
Please direct questions and feedback about the RSSL to the Division of Seafood Safety at
Searching the RSSL: A “Basic Search” is the default search mode for finding a species which is usually sufficient; however, the “Advanced Search” and “Field Search” tabs are available for selective searching options. The “Advanced Search” allows for multiple criteria to be used to narrow the objective of the search. The “Field Search” allows a specific column search.
The RSSL is sorted alphabetically (A to Z) by default using the “Scientific Name” column. Clicking on a different column heading in the RSSL will sort the list alphabetically (A to Z) by that column. Double clicking on the sorted header will reverse the display order (Z to A).
The RSSL contains the following information on the Main Page (MP) and/or the Detail Page (DP):
- Sample ID: A unique sample identifier derived from the source of the specimen. Located on the MP and DP.
- Scientific Names: is the Latin name of the fish species identified through binomial nomenclature which are assigned by taxonomists in the scientific literature. Located on the MP and DP.
- Type: Indicates the classification of the fish. The abbreviations are as follows: V = Vertebrate; I = Invertebrate; and I(C) = Invertebrate (Crustacean). Located on the MP.
- Requirements (R): Indicates there is an established law, rule, or regulation that is linked to that listing which provides the requirements for naming the fish either as “must be used” or “prohibited from use.” Refer to the Detail Page of The Seafood List for the link to the specifics law, rule, or regulation. Located on the MP.
- (♦) Diamond symbol [formerly the asterisk (*)]: indicates the name(s) that must be used for that species
- (†) Dagger symbol: indicates the name(s) prohibited from use for that species
- Acceptable Market Name(s): Identifies the fish to U.S. consumers. All market names are retrieved directly from The Seafood List. An “NA” in this column indicates related species not included in The Seafood List. Located on the DP.
- Common Name(s): Identifies additional names of a specific fish to U.S. consumers. Where available, common names are retrieved from The Seafood List. For fish not included in The Seafood List, as indicated by an “NA” in the Acceptable Market Name column, common names are provided for reference from external authoritative sources. Located on the DP.
- Vouchered: Authenticated specimen that has been preserved and deposited in a curated and accessible collection. Located on the MP.
- Some specimens are marked as E-Vouchered, meaning they are electronically vouchered using photography. This is due to the large size of certain species.
- Voucher Location: Identifies the location of the voucher specimen. Located on DP and MP.
- Voucher Number: The voucher number as catalogued by the holding institution. Located on the MP and DP.
- Date Posted: The date a specimen was added to the RSSL. Located on the DP.
- Date Modified: The date a specimen was modified in the RSSL. Changes to the scientific name, sample ID, voucher information, common name (for species not included in The Seafood List), or DNA sequence constitute a change. For the most up to date information regarding the Acceptable Market Name(s) or Common Name(s) for seafood sold in interstate commerce in the United States, please consult The Seafood List. This field only displays if the sample has been modified. Located on the DP.
- Search the Seafood List: A link provided to search The Seafood List for included species. Please note, not all species contained in the RSSL have a corresponding listing in The Seafood List. Located on the DP.
- Metadata: Other relevant data for the sample such as source or collection information. Located on the DP.
- COI 5' Barcode (655bp): A primary 5' barcode (655bp in length) is provided for all species in the RSSL. Located on the DP.
- COI 3' Barcode (475bp): A secondary 3' reverse barcode (475bp in length) is provided for some shrimp species. Located on the DP.
- Image: Photo of the associated reference specimen provided when available. Located on the DP.
- Flickr: A link to full resolution image, hosted on the FDA Flickr account. Located on the DP.
- Photographer: The author of the images, if provided. Located on the DP.
Seafood | HACCP | Main Page | FDA - This page provides access to content about seafood, including fish and shellfish, from across the Food section of
Download the RSSL: The data in the RSSL is available for download, including the Sample ID, Scientific Name, Type, Voucher Status, Acceptable Market Name(s), Common Names, Voucher Location, Voucher Number, Date Posted, Date Modified, Metadata, and both COI barcodes. The output is a .csv file which may be opened and saved as .csv or standard Excel format. Click on the Download Data link below to access the data.
Please be advised that this website contains links to non-federal websites. You may read the full disclaimer for accessing these websites here.

Sample ID | Scientific Name | Type | R | Acceptable Market Name(s) | Common Name(s) | Vouchered |
Voucher Location |
Voucher Number |
NSILRRS 12 | Pleoticus robustus |
Shrimp, Royal | Royal Red Shrimp |
ULLZ 13183 | Pleoticus robustus |
Shrimp, Royal | Royal Red Shrimp |
ULLZ 13198 | Pleoticus robustus |
Shrimp, Royal | Royal Red Shrimp |
Sample ID | Scientific Name | Type | R | Acceptable Market Name(s) | Common Name(s) | Vouchered |
Voucher Location |
Voucher Number |