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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

GRAS Notices

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GRN No. 76


Intended Use: Use in bakery fillings, cakes and cookies, chewing gum, dairy drinks, fat-based cream used in modified fat/calorie cookies, pastries, hard candies, frozen dairy desserts, puddings, reduced and low-calorie beverages, soft candies, sugar substitutes and yogurt as a flavor enhancer, formulation aid, humectant, nutritive sweetener, stabilizer and thickener, sequestrant, and texturizer at varying levels
Basis: Scientific procedures
Notifier: Cerestar Holding B.V.
Notifier Address: Havenstraat 84; B-1800 Vilvoorde; BELGIUM
Date of filing: Apr 30, 2001
GRAS Notice (releasable information): GRN 76 (in PDF)
Date of closure: Sep 11, 2001
FDA's Letter: FDA has no questions